Central Rock Gym lecture

On the last 3 November, we had the great opportunity to meet the Creative Director of Central Rock Gym, Alex Peacher.

Alex was born in Texas and he studied in University of Dallas what he used to think it was his passion: Fine Arts. Thanks to this major he got to work as an intern in one of the most important TV companies in the US: NBC. Within this experience, he learned a lot about graphic design and he even could experiment how to manage his department due to a replacement.

He finished uni and made a master degree to specialize his studies in Graphic Design. After that, he took a chance in the world of TV commercials, but he realized that wasn’t his ideal environment. Because of this he didn’t hesitate when one of his friends from university proposed to join his company by creating the logo of his climbing gym project.

Central Rock was founded by Ed and Joe, two 21-year-old who had been working on landscaping, but whose dream was creating a business of gyms specialized in climbing.

Being the Creative Director of Central Rock Gym consists in monitoring the marketing strategies which are launched from every gym in line with the target customer and its characteristics; as well as the implementation and broadcast of Facebook videos, which they win exponentially clients with.

He told us which strategies they tried and consequences they brought and how did they target their different segments of customers. His key strategy so far has been Facebook and he explained us the differences he considers when preparing all the videos and which tools guide him. We actually could see him in one of the videos!